My first paintings - Yuvy Series 🖼️
There is no better time for ART than NOW!
Just allow yourself to go for it! Everything you need - you have: inspiration, trusting yourself, drive and your Muse heart-to-heart ❤️🎨 That’s it! Look at me. I couldn’t allow myself to make my first big painting for years, but I always wanted to. And you see, I just go to the shop, grab all the paints I want right now and allow myself to finally get started! Pure happiness! You’re the creators of your life, guys. Do whatever you feel, with the colors that you feel are right - and enjoy as intensely as you can.
Watch until the end to experience my emotions when “first painting done” - and be the lucky one who collects it at! The auction is open and starts from $900 - place your bids and get it!
Yuvy 1 🖼️Vlady 2023
(Let’s give a name to this painting together - my variant is LOVE. Let me know your one! 😍)
All my life I’ve been going to this experience and experiment of taking the colors into my hand and starting to paint. You just take a brush and move with the freedom of imagination. Make the trees blue if your heart sees them blue. Make the sky red if your soul wants it red! Are there any rules for an artist? This is my second painting 🖌️ Feel free to give the best name to it. My variant is BY THE RIVER.
Yuvy 2 🖼️Vlady 2023
Name images you see on my painting number 3 👁️ Yellow and blue, leaves and curves, red and purple, heart and illusion… It’s a free dance of imagination and my love for art, to all living beings around, to my muse. Let it be a tradition when we choose a name for the painting together, guys, I am so excited to know your variant. Name it and participate in the open auction at our website 💜
Yuvy 3 🖼️Vlady 2023
…expressing myself without words.
It’s like loving embrace, like song of mind coming to life through colors and lines. What do you see in my new painting, guys? Is it youth in sunshine coming leaf in leaf or wing in wing with an angelic wise and exquisite maturity? Let me think … is it Bali paradise with a Roma-romance on the other side of the mirror … 🌴🪞 What I can say, it’s definitely play of imagination, so, feel free to name it … I’m only a joyful translator from inner impulse into a visual language. Enjoy✨
Yuvy 4 🖼️Vlady 2023
…lowering the exposure - a woman appears. It’s painting number 5, there should be an exhibition soon, what do you think? ;)
Her spirit emits the energy of the Greek goddess Hera, Queen of Heaven in the Greek pantheon, more than ready to give orders to the wind and rain to impose on nature, with effects like fire or flood…
Woman. A Gem in my eyes.
Yuvy 5 🖼️Vlady 2023
Paintings are creations that I have always collected, observed, admired, and with which I've emotionally connected. Just like gems. And today my heart is speaking to you through this kind of art. This is the touch of joy, absolutely!
Quine 6 🖼️ Vlady 2023

Yuvy 8 🖼️ Vlady 2023
“The artist pleases twice. First they see the beauty for themself, and then for the person for whom they are painting…” (excerpt from my Diary).
#YavorskyyART #painter #artist #myfirstpainting #painting #makingpainting #nudepainting #artauction #mothernature #womanbytheriver #muse
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