The new book by Vladyslav Y. Yavorskyy
“I visited the Kuh-i-Lal mine twice in the 1990’s, and collected most wonderful Pamir Spinel Gems, as well as unique photographs of local life taken with my Leica M6 film camera. Of all the deposits of precious stones around the world, Kuh-i-lal is one of the most unreachable, and it has been closed to visitors since the beginning of the century. Among all my fellow gem collectors I am perhaps the only one who was able to go deep inside the tunnels when the mine was still functioning and the gems were still being extracted from the ground.
The recent interest in Mughal Jewels triggered my long-cherished dream to compile this book, and so I set to work. I feel now that I am bringing you something that has been a long time forming but is born as solid and timeless as a marble rock. I share with you my Kuh-i-Lal, my Pamirs, my Balas Spinel.” Vlad Yavorskyy

All Yavorskyy books are handcrafted; our publishing house takes exquisite care in printing and binding these original printouts manually. In the Pamir Spinel book you may notice an imprint mark on some pages which certifies that your copy belongs to the first authentic limited edition.
Released in 2019
Hardcover Binding cloth mounted
PRICE : US$180, (Shipping not included; shipping charges vary by country)
236 pages; 240 x 260 mm (9.5 x 10.25 inches) Full Color Throughout
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